Civil resistance vs. vigilantism: Has nonviolent protest lost its relevance?

“To do an extreme act of violence, a person must not have seen any hope. There are groups creating a pathway to positive change.”
Ernie Stanton · 3 days ago · 2 minutes read

The Rise of Vigilantism and the Decline of Nonviolent Resistance

Civil Resistance and Societal Change

Historical successes of nonviolent resistance campaigns have shown their effectiveness in overthrowing dictatorships and creating lasting change.

The Impact of Personal Harms

However, when personal grievances go unaddressed, individuals may resort to extreme measures such as vigilantism.

The Role of Social Media and Polarization

"Free Luigi" memes and national polls indicate public support for vigilante justice as a response to perceived corporate abuses and denial of coverage in the healthcare system.

The Declining Popularity of Nonviolent Protest

Passive protest may have become less popular, as evidenced by a rise in destructive behavior and a lack of familiarity with nonviolent communication techniques.

The Dangers of Vigilantism

Lone wolf and mass violence, such as school shootings and terrorist attacks, have become increasingly prevalent and have no place in a civilized society.

Expert Perspective

Evan Weissman, author and expert on nonviolence, argues that insurance companies commit violence every day through their actions, leading to public anger and support for vigilante justice.

The Need for Robust Nonviolent Resistance

Nonviolent resistance remains a viable and powerful tool for opposing societal ills, as evidenced by ongoing demonstrations, strikes, and grassroots movements for social justice.

The Importance of Moral Codes

While it is understandable for people to relate to the objections of vigilante actors, it is crucial to adhere to moral codes that condemn violence and prioritize systematic change.

Societal Inequities and Powerlessness

Younger generations may feel powerless against perceived injustices due to feelings of inequality and lack of representation in the political system.

Nonviolent Communication and Youth Activism

The Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission is focusing on education and training in nonviolent communication and peacemaking to foster dialogue and bridge societal divides.

The Future of Nonviolent Resistance

The organization's plans for speakers, events, and workshops on nonviolence aim to inspire and empower individuals to embrace nonviolent approaches to change.