Sally Mann Photos Reportedly Seized From Texas Art Museum

Republican lawmakers called for an investigation into her portraits of her nude children, which a right-wing publication equated with child pornography.
Ernie Stanton · about 2 months ago · 1 minute read

Art Under Fire: Sally Mann's Photographs Draw Controversy

Silencing Artistic Expression

Amidst a swirl of accusations and investigations, several works by renowned photographer Sally Mann have vanished from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.

Right-wing outrage, ignited by inflammatory articles equating Mann's photographs of her own nude children with child pornography, fueled the removal.

Art vs. Exploitation

Public backlash erupted, with conservative groups condemning the photographs as "sexualizing children." Mann herself defended her work, asserting that "nudity, even that of children, is often mistaken for sexuality."

"These images celebrate the innocence and spontaneity of childhood," she argued, "not exploit it."

Political Censorship

The controversy highlights a disturbing trend of political censorship, with lawmakers wielding their power to suppress art they deem offensive.

Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) denounced the actions, stating that "intimidation tactics used to pressure artists and museums into censoring work undermine artistic freedom."

A Threat to Cultural Freedom

"The targeting of Sally Mann, a respected artist whose work has been widely exhibited, is emblematic of a troubling effort to silence challenging voices. This act of censorship sets a dangerous precedent for the cultural sector in the United States," said Julie Trébult, Executive Director of ARC.