'We should be shouting the pluralism achievements of college athletics from the mountaintops'

Opinion, comment and editorials of the day
Ernie Stanton · about 2 months ago · 2 minutes read

Diversity and Sports: A Model for Progress

Achieving Diversity in College Athletics

College sports serve as a "model of excellence in diversity work," showcasing the remarkable achievements of historically marginalized groups and fostering cooperation across differences.

"Nobody is surprised when minority student-athletes perform well on the field, or when Jewish quarterbacks throw touchdown passes to Mormon wide receivers."

The Importance of Remembering Polio's Legacy

Staying Vigilant Against Polio's Return

If we stop vaccinating for polio, we would return to a daily life filled with death, disease, and disability that is nightmarish. - Hannah Wunsch

"Many survivors are now elderly and therefore less 'visible' to the general population. We must amplify their voices and their experiences or face a lifetime of preventable – and very visible – disability."

Supporting Trafficking Survivors through the TSRA

The Trafficking Survivors Relief Act (TSRA) "could finally offer a step forward for survivors caught in the cycle of criminalization" of human trafficking.

"By passing the TSRA, Congress can affirm its commitment to justice and provide tangible support to those seeking to rebuild their lives."

The End of Social Media's Role in Politicizing Speech

Mark Zuckerberg's "dismissal of Facebook's fact-checkers" signifies the "end of an aberrant era in American politics."

"Social media should broadly reflect the speech rules and norms of American society," marking a return to "Silicon Valley's original un-self-conscious idealism, even patriotism."